Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

really need vacation we know that in few days all of the student in our lovelybelovedcounrty will have vacation...yes,christmas and new year holiday. but me and my friend in campus have to postpone all of the planning of what to do on holiday. it suck guys! just think,when everybody start to go somewhere to have vacation but we should go to campus from 7 o'clock to almost maghrib. please. we are human too who need a break, even a machine have a break time when we use it,right? so we need a break too.

the problem is not only to go to campus in such an early time to afternoon but also we have so many assigment to do as the ticket to final test. the worst is intro to ling, we have to hand in a paper about material in our book. its not about to make the paper but the book is so hard to understand even we have discuss it on previous lesson. and fyi it is a ticket to final test, so if you dont hand it in its better for you to take that subject in next semester and say 'hello' to the lecturer.

in one day we could have 5 lesson and it means we have 10 sks in a day. crazy right?almost all of my friends got crazy about this. me too. so i really-really need a vacation. for a week or a month at least to refresh my mind and my body. i got tired of all of the routine activities. as we know there is a point that a man can get bored of what they do and im in the peak of it, the top peak.

i want to go somewhere or just here in my lovelytown. i want my sleep time come back again. you know i just get 7 or 8 hours to sleep, usually my sleep time is almost 10 hours. my meal time also being ruined because of this lesson, thats explain how i can get so fat in this 4 month maybe?.

Ya Allah, i really need a break from this routinity and give me a strength to pass all of the exam well. please, i beg you. huhuhu.

with sadness

*hime no ageha*

Kamis, 11 November 2010

poor me!!

yapz...setelah seminggu lebih berkutat dengan mbah google untuk mencari cara agar saya bisa nulis di blog lagi i am guys!!!im back...hahahha....seminggu yang melelahkan dan mengesalkan karena tidak ada satu pun temen yang bisa ngebantuin....sebenernya ini salah aku juga sih yang terbiasa untuk tidak logot setelah membuka fb,twitter, dan blog. tapi, hei teman, setidaknya bantuin donk buat cari cara ngebalikin blogku ini,bukan cuma ngetawain aku yang udah pusing mikirinnya. tapi ya sudahlah, yang penting aku bisa ngeblog lagi kan ujung-ujungnya. hahahaha.

hmmm, so much i want to talk to you, but i've got to go now. i promise i will be back with lot of story to tell. so, ja nee.

hug n kisses

*hime no ageha*

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

konbanwa minna!!!im back!!! i want to tell you about my holiday. actually my holiday has been start from july,but i take a short semester during july so my 'real' holiday start from august 1st to sept 14. i disappointed to the date of new semester. it means we have to go back to campus on the 4th day after Idul Fitri. that's not fair i think.huft...>take a breath<

and time goes by. now we are facing end of august and i look back what i've done in this month. the fasting goes well and i think i'm getting fat when fasting. i don't have any idea of it and dont ask me why.

i'm watching many films and dorama this month since my sister came here and said i have to watch all of the movie because she will take it back to Surabaya, even if i'm not finish it. the one that really really touch my heart is a film from japan, the title is "tada,kimi wo aishiteru".

The story begins with Makoto Segawa, a freshman at Meikei University. On the day of his university entrance ceremony, Makoto meets a fresh-faced, quirky girl named Shizuru. Makoto has a complex which causes him to shy away from contact with other people, but she succeeds in getting him to open up to her naturally. All Shizuru wants is to be with Makoto, so she takes up a camera too. The two spend their days together taking photos in the forest behind the campus. However, Makoto has feelings for another student named Miyuki. Shizuru decides that if Makoto likes Miyuki, she wants to like her too. She wants to like everything that he does. One day, she tells Makoto that she wants to take a photo of them kissing in the forest as a present for 'her birthday'. He obliges for her sake, and they kiss in the forest.>yapz,i took it from i can't explain it in my way. thx to mr google<

beside watching film and dorama, i also read some books and constantly visiting "pustaka wilayah' to read the books. i lend it or i read it there. i love reading in "pustaka wilayah", because its big, has many books and i heve my favorite spot to read. a soffa in 2nd floor facing the government building across the street.

yaps. that's all about my holiday. sorry for the grammar,spelling and everything. later i would tell you about my 'BuBar' and other films and dorama's. see you later...


Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

resep keluarga

Nih salah satu resep andalan bunda yang dari satu adonan bisa dibikin macem-macem.tinggal diatur aja kekentalannya.celupannya bisa apa aja, tapi nesti lebih suka tempe ama kembang kol, mani sih. hehehe...silahkan dicoba.

Bahan tepung:
200 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung kanji/tapioka
1 butir telur ayam
1 bungkus Royco
1 siung bawang putih
1 batang daun bawang
2 batang seledri
garam secukupnya
air secukupnya

bisa tempe, udang, terong, kembang kol,anything that you can get from your fridge...

How to make it??
1.giling bawang putih.
2.seledri dan daun bawang dirajang.
3.campurkan tepung terigu dan tepung tapioka.
4.masukkan Royco, telur, daun seledri, daun bawang dan bawang putih.
5.masukkan air, aduk rata. usahakan agar adonan tepung tidak terlalu kental ataupun terlalu cair.
6.adonan siap digunakan.

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

filosofi kupu-kupu bagiku...

kupu-kupu...entah sejak kapan saya menyenangi mahkluk cantik nan rapuh ini...entah sejak saya mendengar lagu anak-anak yang berjudul kupu-kupu yang lirik na begini lho...

'Kupu-kupu yang lucu
kemana engkau terbang
hilir mudik mencari
bunga-bunga yang kembang
berayun ayun
pada tangkai yang lemah
tidakkah sayapmu
merasa lelah'

yah...kupu-kupu sudah memiliki tempat dihati saya...hewan yang termasuk serangga bersayap sisik ini sudah mencuri hati saya hingga saat ini...kupu-kupu hewan yang cantik namun tak dapat bertahan hidup lama...karena kupu-kupu tidak bisa hidup lama saya mendapat pelajaran darinya bahwa secantik apapun wujud kita tak akan abadi selamanya...

kupu-kupu yang cantik itu lemah dan butuh perlindungan dari tangan jahil...begitu juga perempuan...

iri rasanya melihat kupu-kupu yang terbang bebas keangkasa tanpa ada suatu penghalang...

transformasi kupu-kupu juga memberi saya pelajaran...tahu sendiri kan transformasi kupu-kupu itu bagaimana? dari telur jadi ulat truz bikin kepompong dan voila! jadilah seekor kupu-kupu yang cantik...proses ini dilalui si kupu-kupu untuk menjadi cantik...begitu juga manusia yang terus bertransformasi menjadi cantik..inget ya cantik disini bukan hanya cantik fisik tapi juga cantik jiwa...

kupu-kupu menjadi panutan saya untuk berubah...dari diri saya yang dulu pendiam, tertutup dan tidak percaya diri hingga sekarang yang berangsur-angsur mulai berubah menjadi orang yang terbuka dan percaya diri...

makanya saya sangat mengagumi kupu-kupu ini...kupu-kupu yang cantik...kupu-kupu yang lucu yang bisa membuat saya tersenyum melihatnya yang beterbangan kesana-kemari...

hai,kupu-kupu...bolehkah aku ikut terbang bersamamu?
meraih langit dan menyapa mentari
mengunjungi bunga yang berayun ditiup angin
bolehkah kupu-kupu?
dan ingin kuucapka terimakasih padamu
yang memompa semangatku untuk berubah
dan keluar dari duniaku
terbang keduniamu yang berwarna-warni
terimaksaih kupu-kupu

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

new blog

yaps...setelah kecewa(?) dengan blog lama. akhirnya saya pindah juga ke blog baru ni. sebenernya aku bingung juga sih ni yang salah blog na ato nesti na ya??? tapi sudahlah, tak usah di pikirkan. yang penting I'm back...
hmmm...semoga aja dengan blog baru ni nesti jd lebih smangat nulis. yah doakan saja ya...hehehehe...
Ganbatte ne kudasai!!!